The Netherlands Society for Statistics and Operations Research has awarded me the VvS+OR Master’s Thesis Award.
What is the VvS+OR?
The VvS+OR is a professional organization with approximately 800 members that are interested in Statistics or Operations Research. It has existed since 1945 and its aims are to promote both the study and research of statistics and operations research. Here is a description paragraph (in Dutch), which I took from their website:
De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Statistiek en Operations Research (VVSOR) is een professionele organisatie van ongeveer 800 leden die geïnteresseerd zijn in de Statistiek of Operations Research. De VVSOR bestaat sinds 15 augustus 1945 en heeft zich ten doel gesteld om de toepassing en de studie van statistisch en operationeel onderzoek te bevorderen, ten dienste van de wetenschap en de maatschappij.
What is this Thesis Award?
In recognition of an outstanding graduation performance, the VvS+OR Master’s Thesis Award is bestowed each year to a thesis in statistics or operations research. Nowadays, this award is called the Jan Hemelrijk Award.
Want to know more?
Head on over to My Resume for an overview of my experience and qualifications.